Tuesday Introductions

elevated photography for modern women by women

We are

Milou & Olin

We are dedicated to elevating your photography. To help you elevate your life, your event, your passion, your family, your beauty, every part of you...

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Howdy guys! It’s nice to virtually meet you! I’m Kelsey, the newest member of this motley crew! I serve as the Production Assistant here at Milou + Olin. So basically, that means that I create some awesome client albums, keep our blog in tip top shape, and help manage social media. I have provided y’all with 5 little known facts about myself in the hopes that you will better get to know me/want to be my best friend.

Time to get up close and personal! Let’s go!


1. I can do an impeccable impression of Shakira, Celine Dion and on occasion a decent Elton John.

2. I LOVE potato chips. Literally, any kind of potato chip. I can easily knock out a whole bag of Lay’s Limon potato chips in one sitting. Yeah, I’m that good.

3. As a kid, I never much liked the “regular” team sports like soccer or softball. So I participated in team sports like shot put, golf and synchronized swimming. Synchro was definitely my favorite of the three.

4. I hate the sound that happens when someone bites into a popsicle. Even thinking about it makes me squirm.

5. I sleep walk and talk. While sleeping I have been known to dance, sing, make coffee and fold my laundry and place it in my pantry. It’s gotten better as I’ve gotten older. Nowadays I mostly just babble, but you never know!

Well, I hope you enjoyed finding out more about me! Can we be best friends now?

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Simply because we care. We care about delivering great photography and customer service and we care about you

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women supporting women through photography

are our passions

photography, creativity and women

As a specialty photography and creative studio, we aim to ignite confidence and empower women while delighting you with the unexpected and beautiful through photography. We build strong emotional bonds with our clients. and serve our clients with excellent care and service. We are also focused on empowering women by hiring the best creative team and giving women a home to call their own where they can focus on their own creativity and excellence.


We Believe In Beautiful Photography and Excellent Client Relationships

In the center of it all is Olin's ambition to help empower other women and deliver a purpose driven brand . She infuses joy in people's lives through photography and seeing others follow their passion

follow @milouandolin

If you're into organic beauty, supporting other women, boss ladies, great design, beautiful photography, weddings, all things we find pretty + funny + probably way too many videos of our furry babies, you've come to the right place. 

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elevated photography for modern women by women