Howdy guys! It’s nice to virtually meet you! I’m Kelsey, the newest member of this motley crew! I serve as the Production Assistant here at Milou + Olin. So basically, that means that I create some awesome client albums, keep our blog in tip top shape, and help manage social media. I have provided y’all with 5 little known facts about myself in the hopes that you will better get to know me/want to be my best friend.
Time to get up close and personal! Let’s go!
1. I can do an impeccable impression of Shakira, Celine Dion and on occasion a decent Elton John.
2. I LOVE potato chips. Literally, any kind of potato chip. I can easily knock out a whole bag of Lay’s Limon potato chips in one sitting. Yeah, I’m that good.
3. As a kid, I never much liked the “regular” team sports like soccer or softball. So I participated in team sports like shot put, golf and synchronized swimming. Synchro was definitely my favorite of the three.
4. I hate the sound that happens when someone bites into a popsicle. Even thinking about it makes me squirm.
5. I sleep walk and talk. While sleeping I have been known to dance, sing, make coffee and fold my laundry and place it in my pantry. It’s gotten better as I’ve gotten older. Nowadays I mostly just babble, but you never know!
Well, I hope you enjoyed finding out more about me! Can we be best friends now?
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