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Bentley Indian Wedding Photos

elevated photography for modern women by women

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We at Tinywater Photography would like to present to you guys even more San Francisco Indian wedding photos from the Bentley’s Indian wedding! This is the last set of a spectacular wedding we were honored to photograph for.

A very stunning work of art! A few hours of work, but definitely worth the time and effort! All the different shapes and lines make a striking image!

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The Bariksha ceremony! This is when the bride’s father and brothers go to the groom’s side with sweets (such as this coconut). This ceremony represents the unity and means that the groom is now “taken” and can no longer look for other prospective brides!

san francisco indian wedding coconut opening

One of my favorite shots of the day! Don’t you just love the humor and irony in this?

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The young fellas and ladies dancing the night away! The most fun part of a wedding!

san francisco indian wedding dancing

And let’s not forget the older folks! They can have just as much fun as the younger folks and can jiggy just as much!

having fun at a san francisco indian wedding

The lovely bride provided us an amazing performance!

beautiful san francisco indian wedding bride

A heart-warming speech given by the father of the groom.

father speaking at san francisco indian wedding

Such a grand place to have a wedding reception! It was the perfect place for them to hold a San Francisco Indian wedding reception!

grand indian wedding building at san francisco

First dance of the bride and groom together. A beautiful sight every time!

first dance at san francisco indian wedding

great indian wedding at san francisco

The happy men jumping and celebrating together!

san francisco amazing indian wedding

beautigul indian wedding in san francisco

And a few more calmer shots to finish off the music and laughter filled night!

san francisco indian wedding

indian wedding in san francisco

Thank you so much for letting us shoot for your San Francisco Indian wedding! It was such a great experience and we were glad to be the photographers for the day! Seeing all the unique decorations and special ceremonies is what makes shooting Indian weddings such a blast! We at Tinywater Photography wish you two the best in your marriage!

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As a specialty photography and creative studio, we aim to ignite confidence and empower women while delighting you with the unexpected and beautiful through photography. We build strong emotional bonds with our clients. and serve our clients with excellent care and service. We are also focused on empowering women by hiring the best creative team and giving women a home to call their own where they can focus on their own creativity and excellence.


We Believe In Beautiful Photography and Excellent Client Relationships

In the center of it all is Olin's ambition to help empower other women and deliver a purpose driven brand . She infuses joy in people's lives through photography and seeing others follow their passion

If you're into organic beauty, supporting other women, boss ladies, great design, beautiful photography, weddings, all things we find pretty + funny + probably way too many videos of our furry babies, you've come to the right place. 

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elevated photography for modern women by women