David Jay + Jasmine Star

elevated photography for modern women by women

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Milou & Olin

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We went to see David Jay and Jasmine Star speak in SF on Monday night and what fun it was after a long weekend of weddings and work. We met up with our good friend, Chung Li and had a quickie dinner across the street first. We believe in attending seminars, workshops and going to see the big guys speak. It’s always best to learn. Jasmine, wow, what energy. DJ, tons of info and lots of great tips that we went home with. Mostly, it further affirmed that we are on the right track. Do you like that the Listen has the dollar sign in it?

I also ran across other friends there, Carmen Salazar, a photographer from Sacramento and got introduced to other Sac photographers. We need to meet up with more Sac photographers! I met Joy Bianchi, Jules Bianchi’s sister and also an old college friend Adi of Lensa Productions.

I am most excited about meeting Gene Higa there, famed destination wedding photographer and one of the top 10 wedding photographers in the world. At first I felt a little silly saying hi and introducing myself but I got so super excited when he said he saw and remembered our work and blog. To top it all off, he told us he loved our work!! Can it get any better? Yes! He voted us for SFGate’s SF’s Best Wedding Photographer! I nearly passed out! Anyhow, here’s Chung Li (fellow Gene fan) with Gene. Note that Jasmine Star is in the corner of the photo!

Read the Comments +

  1. Chung Li says:

    Hey, Caroline, Where were you in the picture ???

  2. Caroline says:

    I fell off the frame cuz you guys shine so much, you are rockstars!

  3. Ryan says:

    Of course, I found out about this event the day AFTER it happened 🙁 I wish I could have gone, it looks awesome!

  4. Caroline says:

    Duh, you know as we were driving down, I was thinking “Oh shoot, I should have told Ryan!” Duh, I am soooooo dumb. But I actually have something coming up you might be interested in. It’s a weekday though. Shoot me an email!

  5. jenniferL says:

    looking by the first photo you must’ve been sitting just a few rows in front of us! we’ll meet one of these days… 🙂

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As a specialty photography and creative studio, we aim to ignite confidence and empower women while delighting you with the unexpected and beautiful through photography. We build strong emotional bonds with our clients. and serve our clients with excellent care and service. We are also focused on empowering women by hiring the best creative team and giving women a home to call their own where they can focus on their own creativity and excellence.


We Believe In Beautiful Photography and Excellent Client Relationships

In the center of it all is Olin's ambition to help empower other women and deliver a purpose driven brand . She infuses joy in people's lives through photography and seeing others follow their passion

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If you're into organic beauty, supporting other women, boss ladies, great design, beautiful photography, weddings, all things we find pretty + funny + probably way too many videos of our furry babies, you've come to the right place. 

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elevated photography for modern women by women